Ferdinand "Bongbong" Romualdez Marcos Jr., Office of the President

We strongly oppose the removal of the Mother Tongue subject and 19th Congress’ move to eradicate Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) for these reasons:

1. Constitutional Mandate: The 1987 Philippine Constitution allows the use of regional languages in schools, along with English and Filipino. This was reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in 2018, which stated that using the Mother Tongue as a primary medium of instruction aligns with constitutional provisions.

2. International Obligations: The Philippines is a signatory to international agreements that protect the rights of children, or persons with disabilities and indigenous peoples. The Convention of the Rights of the Child (1989) provides that the education of the child shall be directed to the development of the child’s cultural identity and language, and the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People affirms the right of IPs to establish and control their educational systems and institutions providing education in their languages. This provision was adopted from our own IP Rights Act of 1997. It must be noted that the right to learn in your own language is a basic human right that existed even before governments and constitutions. It is important for preserving cultures and identities. No one should take this right away from you, and doing so is an actionable wrong that demands remedy.

3. Quality and Inclusive Learning: In a letter sent to the Senate in 2023, UNICEF cited the Philippines as a model in Asia for MTB-MLE. UNICEF wrote that upholding the child’s first language is a pillar for quality and inclusive learning. Studies show that children not only perform better but are also more engaged and joyful when the mother tongue is used in classes. The MTB-MLE program enabled teachers and other community partners to contextualize learning by creating numerous storybooks and other materials.

4. No Evidence for Alternatives: There is no credible evidence that limiting instruction to English and Filipino will improve educational outcomes. Experts like the World Bank support MTB-MLE in improving education systems. Discontinuing the program without a viable alternative would be harmful. While the Philippine Institute for Development Studies identified challenges in implementing MTB-MLE, it did not question the program’s value but recommended improving its execution.

Instead of discontinuing, we ask our policymakers to support a strong MTB-MLE

The EDCOM 2 Year 1 report identifies several systemic issues in our education system, such as inadequate infrastructure and trained teachers and an overambitious curriculum. These challenges, compounded by the effects of prolonged school closures and informal mass promotion practices, have led to declining educational outcomes. MTB-MLE was designed to address some of these issues; however EDCOM 2 found that its success has been limited by a top-down approach and a mismatch between language instruction and language of assessment. Moreover, education authorities emasculated the program’s effectiveness by illegally adhering to a “short exit” policy instead of a “no exit” one.

We urge the Department of Education to build on its gains and the principles of inclusive and rights-based education by doing the following:

1. Ensure that children who speak languages other than the medium of instruction receive appropriate language support in their mother tongue.

2. Retain the Mother Tongue as a language and literacy subject from Kindergarten to Grade 3 and even extend its use. Carefully crafted, it is in the L1 subject where learners are explicitly and systematically taught how to read, write, speak, think, understand and create texts.

3. Develop an integrated language program that ensures students become multilingual and multiliterate in their mother tongue, Filipino, and English, as they progress in higher grades.

We oppose the removal of the L1 subject and the eradication of the MTB-MLE program. Though it has many implementation challenges, with adequate investment and effective planning, it can significantly improve education in the Philippines. As human rights advocates, we are committed to supporting this initiative when it is carried out correctly, ensuring that all Filipino children receive the quality education they deserve.

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The An Omnibus Petition Against the Removal of the Mother Tongue Subject and Eradication of Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) petition to Ferdinand "Bongbong" Romualdez Marcos Jr., Office of the President was written by MLE TALAYTAYAN and is in the category Education at GoPetition.